Queen of the Apostles Church is giving you FORMED – for FREE!
Grow your faith at home, on the go, or from any internet connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies...there is something for every member of the family. Signup is easy! Just go to www.FORMED.org. Be sure to signup today - it's free!

Just for Ladies
These guided Bible studies are a time of blessing and fellowship as women of our parish encourage each other and find hope through God’s word. Come as you are! Bring a friend! The next Just for Ladies gathering will be on Thursday, September 8 from 7pm-8:30pm. If you are interested in joining please contact Janet Blaylock at qoajustforladiesbiblestudy@gmail.com for more information.
Just for Men
Men of Queen of the Apostles gather on the first Monday of each month at 7:00pm in the Education Building to read Scripture and reflect. There is time for prayer and discussion of how the Lord guides His people. If you have questions please call Roger Duncan at 704-879-4803 or Deacon Chip Wilson at 704-820-4162.
MOMS (Ministry of Mothers Sharing)
This ministry is designed for moms of children of all ages. Ministry of Mothers Sharing meets during the school year twice a month. It is a time for fellowship and study for spiritual growth. Please email Debbie at formation@queenoftheapostles.org for more information.
DADS Group for Work-at-Home or Homeschooling Dads
Are you a Stay-At-Home or Homeschooling Dad? Come join other Dads for a time of Fellowship and Faith Discussion on scheduled Thursdays from 12:30pm-2:30pm here at Queen of the Apostles Church. The meet will take place in the Parlor off of the Gathering Space of Church. KidZone will be available and open for the children. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Brendan Sweeney at bsweeney1759@gmail.com.