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Tithing Partners

Each week, we tithe 5% of our collected offering to a different local charitable organization which serves the poor, the homeless and those with disabilities and addictions. These organizations are typically smaller and are reliant on contributions like ours to sustain their programs. Parishioners also volunteer at a number of them or have received benefits from them. These organizations are very appreciative of the assistance they receive from the Queen of the Apostles parish community.


The organizations we support are listed below. Click on the Learn More links if you are interested in finding out more about the work these groups do and other ways you may be able to assist them. 


​Blessings Received Each Appointed Day (B.R.E.A.D.)

161-B W. Franklin Blvd.
Gastonia, NC 28052

We share the love of Jesus Christ to those in need, by providing food and groceries to the homeless, elderly, and low-income individuals and/or families of Gaston County. BREAD uses our tithing to help purchase foods and maintain the refrigeration appliances at their facility. Since they are a religious based organization, they do not qualify for certain subsidies like Second Harvest. Most of their food supplies come from donations from churches. Volunteers help with organizing and packing food to be distributed to those who come. There is particular need for volunteers who have a truck or van to help with picking up larger donations and bringing them to the BREAD center in Gastonia.   Learn More


Belmont Community Organization (BCO)

P.O. Box 1248 
91 Catawba St 
Belmont, NC  28120

Providing emergency assistance for folks in need of material and financial support in the Belmont community.  Material support can be in the form of food, clothing and/or household goods. Financial support can consist of assistance with utility and rent bills. Donations of canned/boxed food, gently used clothing, household appliances in good working order and other household products are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off Monday through Friday from 9AM to 1PM. Volunteers help with sorting and storing donations and assisting clients receiving goods. Learn More


Belmont Back Pack Program

P.O. Box 551030 
Gastonia, NC  28055

Providing food for homeless children in North Belmont Elementary School so they have meals available to them over weekends and school holidays. Our parish is one of a number of churches that support this program in the Belmont area. Volunteers from the parish meet  in the MAK center each Wednesday morning and put together about 160 meal packs per week. Volunteers are also needed one day each month (typically toward the end of the month) at their distribution center in Gastonia where all of the food for the following month is packed up for each each participating church. This process typically takes 5 to 6 hours. Volunteers are also needed the following day to help with loading up the vehicles which each church sends or delivering directly to some of the churches that do not have the means to pick it up themselves.  Learn More


Bit of Hope Farms

using riding therapy to assist adults and children with developmental and other disabilities. Our tithe helps with clients who are in financial need.


Boys and Girls Club of Greater Gaston

P. O. Box 23 
Gastonia, NC  28053

Assisting families in need with after-school care programs for over 350 children daily. Care consists of food which is not available in the family home, assistance with homework, physical fitness and game time. Our tithes help pay for the maintenance of the facilities. Volunteers are needed to help mentor and tutor the children. Current or former teachers are also desired to help with the educational parts of the program.  From time to time, volunteers can also help with projects like painting rooms in the facility. Learn More


Catherine's House

P.O. Box 1633 
Belmont, NC  28120

Providing a safe haven for women and children in need of housing, counseling and other support to restart their lives, Catherine's House can support up to 14 women and their children at a time. In addition to housing and food, residents receive both group and individual counseling including job seeking and resume creation assistance as well as budget, spending and time management training. Our tithing helps pay for supplies at the house and with incidental needs. Volunteers are mostly needed as childminders on weekday evenings after dinner for about two hours while the mothers attend support sessions. Donors also provide cooked dinners and members of our parish do this on a regular basis.  Learn More


CLT Airport Chaplaincy

5501 Josh Birmingham Pkwy 
Box 3 
Charlotte, NC  28208

The chaplains who staff the CLT Airport chapel provide ministerial services to both passengers and airport personnel. Practicing "Ministry of the Moment," chaplains are available to assist passengers that are dealing with grief, sorrow, anger or anxiety as they pass through the airport. Chaplains are also an integral part of the airport's emergency response  and security team, assisting airport staff and passengers to cope with delays and cancellations. Our tithe helps pay for rent, insurance and training as neither the airport nor the City of Charlotte provide financial assistance. Chaplains are not necessarily ordained ministers: Opportunities are available to become a trained Associate Chaplain.  Learn More


Community Relief Organization (CRO)

P.O. Box 831 
Mt Holly, NC  28120

Offering crisis assistance to those in need of material and financial support in Mount Holly and the surrounding area. Material support can be in the form of food, clothing and/or household goods. Financial support can consist of assistance with utility and rent bills. Donations of canned/boxed food, gently used clothing and household products are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9AM to 12PM. Volunteers help with sorting and storing donations, picking up donations at local food banks (USDA, Second Harvest) and assisting clients receiving goods. Additional help is needed with Data Entry and could be a good opportunity for students looking for service hours.  Learn More


Fields of Hope

Fields of Hope Ministry seeks to prevent children from falling victim to sex trafficking, offer assistance to those still trapped and restore those who have survived by offering hope, empowerment and a brighter future. Our tithe helps pay for housing, counseling and education of those recently rescued.


Gaston Skills Inc. 

1301 Bessemer City Rd 
Gastonia, NC  28052

Offering a second chance at work related skills for those in need of independence and dignity. Gaston Skills works with local companies which provide work opportunities that can be completed at the Gaston Skills facility. While the work is all paid for by these companies, our tithing helps the Gaston Skills Foundation maintain the facility and offer special programs for those who participate in the program. Unfortunately, they cannot offer volunteer opportunities as the cost of training the volunteers properly is prohibitive.    Learn More


Gastonia Street Ministry

We hand out food to anyone who shows up in need on the 4th Monday of every month. We give out can goods, meat, bread, and any items donated. 


​​​​​House of Mercy

P.O. Box 808 
Belmont, NC  28012

Providing housing and care for homeless people stricken with HIV and AIDS since 1991, treating all with dignity and love as they endure this dreaded disease. Our tithing helps pay for incidental items that the patients may need which are not covered by insurance or other means. Volunteers from QOA already provide a cooked dinner once per month but there are additional opportunities as well. Learn More


Kara's Closet

​A program designed to provide room makeovers for child victims. Children are identified after their initial involvement with The Lighthouse. This is a great way to assist in a child’s healing journey by removing trauma reminders.


Least of These

An organization that now serves hundreds of children in foster care across the Carolinas. They desire to see Christ's love shared to the homeless communities by providing: food and clothes, loving encouragement and service through volunteers.  


Mira Via

P.O. Box 11499 
Charlotte, NC  28220

Formerly known as Room at the Inn, Mira Via ("Miraculous Way") has developed a special ministry of providing housing and support for expecting mothers who are college students and their newborn children. Up to 8 mothers and their children reside at their facilities on the campus of Belmont Abbey. By assisting these women, they can finish their degrees and become more independent. Mira Via provides housing, meals, child care and life skills support. Volunteers can help with meal preparation, child care, advising the mothers in important life skills and bringing them a community connection. Additional help can be used in creating welcome baskets when the mothers first arrive and organizing leaving parties and housewarmings for when the mothers leave the facility and move into their own homes.   Learn More


Phoenix Counseling and Crisis Centers

2505 Court Drive 
Gastonia, NC  28054 

A haven for homeless in Gaston County that also provides day shelter, laundry and connections to other community resources and services. Assistance is available for victims of abuse and domestic violence, helping them to find safe shelter and providing counseling. There are also programs for those struggling with addiction. Our tithing helps pay for incidental needs not covered by grants or other funding.  Donations of gently used clothing, household appliances and furniture are greatly appreciated. Volunteers can help with organizing and distributing goods.  Learn More


Safe Alliance

720 E. Fourth St., Suite 204

Charlotte, NC, 28202

Serving victims of domestic violence, Safe Alliance provides safety planning, crisis counseling and assistance applying for protective orders. They also accompany the victims to court and can help provide legal representation. Additionally, Safe Alliance provides necessities for the children of these victims, who have often left home with just the clothes on their back. Our tithe will help supply these items. Learn More


Shelter of Gaston County 
330 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way 
Gastonia, NC  28052

Providing temporary shelter and resources for victims of domestic violence. This typically includes women and children and they average serving 8 to 12 people at any given time. The Shelter collaborates with Phoenix Counseling (see above) to assist their clients with other counseling needs and to get them into a more sustainable housing situation. Our tithing helps pay for Unmet Client Needs not covered by grants or other funding. Sometimes, this helps with travel costs, relocating these victims back to family who can help support them. Volunteers can help with meal preparation, organizing storage, child care and clerical help. There is also opportunities to help with taking Crisis calls after receiving appropriate training.   Learn More


Shining Hope Farms

P.O. Box 1036 
Mount Holly, NC  28120

Provides horseback riding hippotherapy to assist adults and children with developmental and other disabilities. Our tithe helps with clients who are in financial need and could not otherwise afford the therapy. Volunteers help the therapists during the riding sessions and help with maintaining and caring for the horses. Learn More


Serving Our Community with Kindness in Springwood (S.O.C.K.S.)

160 Woodlawn Ave 
Belmont, NC  28012

Offering crisis assistance to those in need of material and financial support in Eastern Gaston County. Material support can be in the form of food, clothing and/or household goods. Financial support can consist of assistance with utility and rent bills. Donations of canned/boxed food, gently used clothing, household appliances in good working order and other household products are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10AM to 2PM. Volunteers help with sorting and storing donations and assisting clients receiving goods. Learn More


Step Up for Family Safety

6035 Florence Ave.  #100

Charlotte, NC, 28212

Offering abuse intervention services and counseling for abusers. Step Up exists because they know abusers can change and if they can change, women and children will be safer. Step Up also provides educational services and works to bring together experts in batterer intervention, survivor services and family dynamics in order to take a more proactive approach to stopping family violence. Our tithes help those who have already demonstrated commitment and progress in the program when they have difficulty paying for it.  Learn More


Thanksgiving Meals

Queen of the Apostles

The tithing is used to help pay for the food which is used to prepare approximately 500 meals on Thanksgiving Day.  


​​With Friends

Providing housing and support services for homeless teenagers in Gaston County. Our tithe helps pay for continued services after the government sponsored two week period expires.


Wheels of Blessings

WOBLE Ministry delivers food, toiletries and clothing to unhoused people in easter Gaston County.  We aspire to offer a moment of hope to those who may feel hopeless. 


503 North Main Street, Belmont, NC 28012

(704) 825-9600

Office Hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30am-4:30pm.  Closed on Fridays


Copyright 2024 by Queen of the Apostles Roman Catholic Church

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